Help Center

Return & Refund

If you don't like it, our piece of jewelry or watch can easily be returned within 1 month. Of course, these items should remain unworn and fully functional.

Guarantee & Complaints

Buying jewelry and watches is completely risk-free for you. We always make every effort to check the goods again before shipping. Of course we also include a certificate.

Answer questions

We have summarized most customer questions here. We would be happy to answer your question directly by phone or email if you cannot find it here.

Payment & Discounts

When purchasing on our website, we accept numerous and most modern payment methods. Personal collection and cash payment are also possible.


Shipping is important to us. That's why we mostly work with reliable service providers such as UPS, Fedex, Austrian Post and DHL.

Sustainable & environmentally friendly

With our project “Sale of used jewelry and watches” we are protecting our environment a lot.

Care of jewelry & watches

We have been offering thorough cleaning and preparation of jewelry and watches for years. We can do polishing, basic cleaning and watch revisions.

Customer service

Every customer is important to us. For this reason, we strive to process your request carefully. We are there for you on all communication channels!

Customization & Changes

We will carry out your special requests such as ring size changes, chain length reductions or engravings upon request. We can also change bracelets.


We offer individual jewelry making. We work with the latest technologies such as 3D modeling. Just talk to us.

write us

No suitable answer found? Write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

call us

+49 30 55648752 Berlin

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m
Sat: 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m

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